Why we think God allow bad things to happen to good people

Why we think God allow bad things to happen to good people


How could God let bad things happen to good people? If you’re asking this question, you’ve probably had something really awful happen to someone you love. I have. In fact, I stopped believing in my god because of it.

As far as my Christian circle was concerned, my family was as good as any other. I mean, we certainly weren’t perfect, but I didn’t think we were bad people either. And, I thought God only allowed bad things to happen to bad people. Likewise, I thought good people were in the clear.

I believed if I met God’s standards, He would always answer my prayers. I was wrong.
So, I tried to be good enough for God. I made good grades, mentored other students, and volunteered at my church’s summer programs. I believed if I met God’s standards, He would always answer my prayers. I was wrong.

My mom is a Mom’s mom. She was a high school guidance counselor, so she extended patience and compassion to students every day. She was often a student’s sole source of encouragement, and I couldn’t have picked a better role model.

Then, when I was a freshman in high school, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Wait, what? I thought I could count on my on-demand God to answer my prayers and protect me and my family. I had done my part. What kind of God would allow my mom to get cancer?

By 15 years old, the version of God I believed in had failed me.

I’d hear my mom sobbing behind her bedroom door late at night, crying out to this God who’d grown strange to me.

 I remember seeing clumps of her hair hit the floor. I started to think I had to choose between a God who never existed or one who wasn’t good after all.

Watching my football-coach dad choke back tears became normal. And I’ll never forget the terror in my little brother’s face as he saw my mom in a hospital bed for the first time.

After weeks of watching my mom suffer through rounds of chemo in a cold, sterile hospital, I had enough. I was done believing in a God who would allow good people like my mom to experience such awful things.

But that was not all. That same period of time i lost a very close friend. It made me to start hating him.


Exasperated by the Paris attacks, a friend of mine let out a cry, “Has the world gone mad? Why does God let bad things happen in the world?” Reading today’s newspapers it would really seem like that. As of 15 JULY 2017, more than 300 terrors attacks have been reported on Wikipedia in this year alone. That is almost one a day.

 This is not to mention the number of other crimes against humanity that are happening across the globe, which are not classified as terror activities but harm people nonetheless.

The Paris attacks of 13 Nov 2015 somehow drove the point home harder, that something is really wrong with the world and that all of us face a clear and present danger in our streets.



 The danger is real and can go off without warning. Yet even before the Paris attacks, the news headlines everyday have been just as dismal. One newspaper ran a story about a Yazidi woman who said, ‘I’ve been raped 30 times and it’s not even lunchtime’.

 In another country it is illegal to execute a young woman if she is a virgin. So she is married off a day prior to her execution so that she can be raped before she is executed.

 In another country women and children are being killed indiscriminately because they are not from a certain religion. In another developed country, funds and weapons are being supplied to radicals to destabilise certain parts of the world for its own political agenda. 

Yes, actually it would seem that the whole world has gone quite mad!

Recently the Archbishop of Canterbury was quoted in the BBC to have said that the terror attacks in Paris made him doubt the presence of God.

 If a leader of a faith can feel like this, then what hope is there for an average person struggling to keep faith in God and religion in such events?

The above graph shows how the term ‘World War 3’ has recently been trending on Google amongst other terrorism related keywords. It is an indication that many people have begun to fear about their safety in a terror stricken world and are considering the possibility of a World War 3.

 With their faith shaken many are asking, “Why does God let bad things happen in our world? Why does God let bad things happen to good people?”  Is there is any end to the madness taking place around the world?


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On SSRF we have gone into detail about the concept of destiny of a person and that people experience happiness or unhappiness due to the destiny they are born with.

 Destiny that we are born with presents to us situations and events in our life, which are beyond our control and by which we experience happiness or unhappiness. In the current era, an individual’s destiny accounts for approximately 65% of his or her life, while wilful action accounts for 35%.

 However, apart from an individual’s destiny, the collective destiny of Earth also has an impact on our lives. From the year 1999, the world has entered a dark phase in its history. In the years 2016 to 2023, the times will be especially severe. Along with a higher intensity of natural disasters, we will also have to face a horrific World War 3.

So, how exactly did we reach this low point?

When there is an increase in the spiritual impurity in society, the cycle of human history starts to slip into a trough.

 All of us are more or less to blame for this increase in spiritual impurity in the environment. This spiritual impurity is of our own making and is due to our personality defects and ego and a complete lack of spiritual practice that is as per universal laws.

 This gives rise to collectively a higher proportion of impure thoughts and actions or inaction in the world. As the world slips into a trough, it is further taken advantage of by negative energies from the spiritual dimension. Negative energies use people’s personality defects to turn people into lower forms of themselves and commit monstrous crimes against their fellowmen.

 As a result of all of this, the Wheel of Time begins to roll into a dark and terrible phase where each country will have to undergo an adverse collective destiny, some more and some less.

 Needless to say there will not be a country in the world that will not be badly affected.

In this dark period of the history of the world, events due to collective destiny has begun to exert a higher force in people’s lives than their individual destiny.


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 In fact, in the years 2018-2023, the impact of collective destiny will be most severe and it will also act as a cleansing process where there will be a huge loss of human life and destruction.

 In this context, people around the world who are being unjustly hurt and killed are actually due to a combination of collateral damage of adverse collective destiny of Earth and their own individual destiny.

Adverse destiny is like a terrible load that we have to bear, but we have to remember that it is of our own making, due to improper use of wilful action in this life or in previous lifetimes. As per the law of the Universe, we all have to undergo our destiny.

 There is no escaping this. God does not come in the way of us undergoing our destiny, be it individual or collective. Just because bad things are happening nowadays as per the collective destiny of mother Earth which we, the human race have been instrumental in orchestrating, we should not doubt the presence of God.

 So what then is the solution?

If due to our free will in our current life, we make efforts to reduce our personality defects and ego and increase our spiritual growth through spiritual practice, then we can nullify the effect of adverse individual destiny. 

If we take one genuine step towards God by trying to bring out the Divine in us through spiritual practice, then He takes 10 if not 100 steps to help us.

 By ‘spiritual practice’ it is important to note that it needs to be as per universal spiritual laws and not according to some myopic sectarian standpoint. God moves mountains to help and protect a true devotee who is committed and sincere about his or her spiritual growth.

 Due to God’s grace obstacles that a seeker/devotee faces at a physical, mental and spiritual level due to individual and collective destiny are easily overcome or at least one gets the strength to bear it. 

This is the importance of proper spiritual practice. 

For those people who will be fortunate to live to see the next decade, they will be pleasantly surprised to see that humanity will have learnt from its mistakes and will enter into a new period of peace and spiritual awakening. From the year 2023, the good cycle in the collective destiny of Earth will commence.

Why we think God allow bad things to happen to good people

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